Writing Prompts

Saturday, November 09, 2002

Write a haiku. Here are the guidelines:

1. Syllable counts should be adhered to if possible:

first line - 5 syllables
second line - 7 syllables
third line - 5 syllables.

2. Observations on nature are most common.

3. Time is also important: time of day, time of year, season, time of life.

More on haiku:

Aha Poetry Haiku How-to
Masters and examples from Toyomasu
More on English language haiku

Monday, November 04, 2002

Describe yourself, in third person. Do this in three stages:

1. Describe yousrelf in ten words or less.

2. Describe yourself in 45 words or less.

3. Describe yourself at length, and go as long as you want. Then try to keep going. Then keep doing it. Update it.